
TU/enable is a student-initiative aimed at students with a refugee background who are currently waiting for their status or have recently received their status. Do you have an academic background and are you seeking to actively maintain and develop your current knowledge and skills in preparation for a smooth integration in the Dutch education- and labour market?

TU/enable offers newcomers a chance to participate in a selection of regular undergraduate courses for free, providing you with your first experience in a Dutch university. Upon completion of the course, a testimonium can be obtained.

Note: If you are not interested in separate courses, but want to pursue a full Bachelor's- or Master's program, TU/enable cannot help you. Please see: https://www.tue.nl/en/education/become-a-tue-student/admission-and-enrollment/

Note: the program is not suited for international students. International students are advised to contact the International Office via io@tue.nl (for questions related to admission and enrollment) or services.io@tue.nl (for questions related to housing and insurance).

What is required for me to participate in one of the courses on offer?

In order for you to participate in, you are required to understand and speak (academic) English (at least level B2/C1). Participants are expected to have a level of education which is equivalent to at least the Dutch ‘VWO-diploma’ (secondary school) or to have prior academic experience. Moreover, availability and intrinsic motivation are also prerequisites.

How do I apply for one of the courses on offer?

Simply download and fill in our intake form (see Downloads), and send it to TUenable@tue.nl, together with your CV. We will then get back to you as soon as possible. If you are not sure if TU/enable is something for you, you can also send an e-mail asking for more information or an exploratory meeting.

How much time will each course take me?

Each course is taught over a time period of eight weeks. These eight weeks consist of lectures and assignments (if applicable), after which an exam is conducted in the two weeks after that. Each course is expected to cost you approximately 140 hours throughout those 8-10 weeks, consisting of lectures, time spent on assignments (if applicable) and preparation time for the exam. This means that you require roughly 14 hours per course per week.

Which courses are on offer?

In the table below you can find TU/Eindhoven courses that are open for TU/enable students.These courses are taught in a specific quartile in the academic year*. All offered courses are regular undergraduate courses of the Industrial Engineering faculty, the Electrical Engineering faculty or the Industrial Design faculty of which the lecturers have agreed to open their courses to students with a refugee background. More information on the offered courses can be found in the brochure through the download link on the right.

There is a possibility of participating in a more advanced course, in case of very well completing a course listed below. This will be in careful consultation with us.

* A course is taught in a specific quartile of the academic year. This means that you can only participate in this course during that particular quartile. Thus, a course is bound to a specific quartile. 

Can TU/enable support me with books or travelling expenses?

TU/enable will try to make sure that students have access to the necessary study material. However, for some courses, the study material is provided by the responsible lecturer. Thus, books are not always necessary. As for travelling expenses, we are able to cover 80% of travel expenses with a maximum of 200 Euros per month per student. To receive these funds, you must send us the travel statement showing you have travelled to Eindhoven. This must be done before the 5th of the next month. For the month of December, this deadline is the 23rd. 

Quartile 1 (4 September 2023 - 11 November 2023)

Application deadline: Monday 14 August 2023

Faculty: Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences 

Course code Course name Responsible lecturer Page number


Work & Organizational Psychology (Premaster)

Dr.ir. P.A.M. Kleingeld



Calculus variant A

Dr. F.G.M.T Cuypers



Calculus variant B

Dr. F.G.M.T Cuypers



Decisions under Risk and Uncertainty

Dr. D.A. Martin


Faculty: Mathematics

Course code Course name Responsible lecturer Page number


Logic and set theory

Dr. S.P. Luttik


Quartile 2 (13 November 2023 - 3 February 2024)

Application deadline: Monday 9 October 2023

Faculty: Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences

Course code Course name Responsible lecturer Page number


Introduction to Technology Entrepreneurship

Prof.dr.ir. M.L.A.M. Bogers



Introduction to Financial and Management Accounting

Dr. L. Tan



Social Psychology and Consumer Behavior

Dr. Ir. P.A.M. Ruijten


* No participation in group work; no testimonium can be obtained

Faculty: Electrical Engineering

Course code Course name Responsible lecturer Page number
5XCA0 Fundamentals of electronics Dr. V. Vidojkovic 8

Faculty: Industrial Design

Course code Course name Responsible lecturer Page number


Introduction to Business Design

J.J.H. Steenbakkers


Faculty: Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

Course code Course name Responsible lecturer Page number


Advanced calculus for CEC G. Skantzaris


* Prerequisite: the course 2WAB0 or 2WBB0. If you have acquired sufficient Calculus knowledge in another way, this will be verified.

Quartile 3 (5 February 2024 - 20 April 2024)

Application deadline: Monday 8 January 2024

Faculty: Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences

Course code Course name Responsible lecturer Page number


Fundamentals of business information systems*

Dr. ir. H. Eshuis



Behavioral Research Methods*

Dr. D. Rooks


* No participation in group work; no testimonium can be obtained.     

Faculty: Built environment

Course code Course name Responsible lecturer Page number


Transportation engineering

Dr. Ing. P.J.H.J. van der Waerden


Quartile 4 (22 April 2024 – 6 July 2024)

Application deadline: Monday 25 March 2024

Faculty: Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences

Course code Course name Responsible lecturer Page number


Management of human behaviour in organizations (Non IE)

Dr. L. van der Meij


1CK40* Intermediate finance and accounting dr.ir. L.P.J. Schlicher 13


Industrial Ecology to cradle-to-cradle: mass flow based concepts

Dr.ir. L.G. Wesselink


* Admission dependend on motivation letter; interested students have to write a motivation letter to the responsible lecturer 

Faculty: Mathematics and Computer Science

Course code Course name Responsible lecturer Page number


Linear algebra and applications

Dr. M.E. Hochstenbach



Software Development for Engineers

Dr. ir. T. Verhoeff


** Prerequisites: the course 2WAB0 or 2WBB0 + knowledge about the basics of the programming language Python. If you have acquired sufficient Calculus knowledge in another way, this will be verified.

Attention: the resits of the exams of quartile 4 take place during the summer holidays (Monday 12 August 2024 - Saturday 17 August 2024).

Is traveling to Eindhoven too far for you? Our colleagues from the university of Utrecht, the university of Leiden, and the university of Wageningen also have an initiative offering free courses to refugee students. More information can be found via these links: https://www.uu.nl/en/education/incluusionhttps://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/education/other-modes-of-study/education-for-refugees/inclusion, and https://www.wur.nl/en/Education-Programmes/WURth-while.htm.