Recruiter interviews

We have a new series which talks you through an entire application procedure! There is a timeline above showing how a typical application procedure looks like and all the steps towards your first job. We made this video by talking with several recruiters that are active in the field today. If you are going to apply for a job, these are the people you want to impress!

1) Introduction. In this video we will introduce the topic, ourselves but also what is important to realize before starting an application, namely self exploration. Remember to first get to know yourself, before getting to know another company

2) Personal branding: This video will show you how to present yourself to recruiters. Questions about how to stand out, how to present yourself on social media and how to talk about your weaknesses will be answered. (interview at Philips)

3) CV and Cover letter: This topic is well known amongst students, but a lot of students are still struggling with what to put on their CV. This video gives you some tips on what a CV and cover letter should contain, and how they are linked. Even more info can be found here (interview at TNO)

4) Networking: With your CV and cover letter up to date, its time to start contacting companies. But how does one do this? This video will explain how job fairs help and how to get in contact with a company. (interview at Canon Production Printing)

5) Job interview: The most famous part of the application procedure, the interview. This video will explain how to prepare for job interview, which questions to expect and how to close an interview. (interview at YACHT)

6) Assessment center: Many students have never experienced this before during their studies while tests have become standard at some bigger companies. Preparing for an assessment center can be vital, knowing how to act and react. (interview at TU/e)

7) Contract negotiations: negotiating a better salary can be important at the start of your career. In this video we will tell you what kind of salary you can expect and how fringe benefits can help you to boost your first contract. (interview at TMC)

8) First year at a company: Congratulations, you got the job! Your first year in a new environment can be a challenge. In this video we tell you how a company can help you out in the beginning, or how you can help yourself. (interview at DAF)

9) Conclusion: Thanks for watching this series about recruiter interviews. Want to learn even more about these topics? Be sure to check out our workshops on this page. All workshops are free and given by professionals, making your first career steps easier.

Even more workshops can be found on, where hot topics and new skills are addressed every quarter