Do you have a top performance in the field of sports, culture or entrepreneurship and do you want to combine it with a study at TU/e? We are happy to help you shape your dual career. 

We support students with a dual career in different ways. Together with you, we look at what is needed to combine your studies with your other career as well as possible.

Our support can consist of:

  • A customized study program
  • An adapted standard for binding recommendation (bsa) on the continuation of your studies
  • A (partial) exemption from the attendance obligation
  • Replacement assignments for mandatory meetings/assignments in case of absence
  • Customized assessment provisions (different form, different time, etc.)
  • Postponement of deadlines
  • A free sports card for top athletes
  • A double career certificate with your graduation
  • Financial compensation for any study delay caused by the combination of study and the exercise of top talent. This compensation is arranged via the Student Financial Support.

In order to qualify for this support, you must meet a number of conditions: 

  • The non-academic career must be exercised at the highest level. This means that you belong to the (sub)top at national or international level of your sports or cultural career or entrepreneurship. 
  • You will be working on your top talent for at least 16 hours a week.

If you meet these conditions, you may qualify for a top talent status. Would you like to know if you qualify for this? Please contact Misha Latuhihin of the student sports center (only for top athletes) or the student counsellors of the TU/e.


More information

If you meet these conditions, you may qualify for a top talent status. Would you like to know if you qualify for this? Please contact Misha Latuhihin of the student sports center (only for top athletes) or the student counselors of the TU/e.