Testimonial board members

As a board member of a study or student association, it is possible to get a testimonial. A testimonial is an official statement showing that you have been a board member of a study or student association in Eindhoven. The testimonial also mentions the most important competencies you learned as a board member. 

This testimonial already existed for top associations (receiving board grants), but will now be made available to all associations linked to the TU/e. In October, each board member will receive an email in Osiris with an invitation to complete a digital application form. Once approved, you will receive your testimonial in Osiris. It will be a digital document sent as an attachment to an Osiris email. You can print the document yourself. 

The testimonial is only available for students enrolled at the TU/e and is only issued to board members of the 2022/2023 academic year in October 2023. We will not issue testimonials during the year. 


What is the start date and deadline for completing the digital application? 
Start date is September 15, 2023, deadline is October 30, 2023.  
Will an application submitted after the deadline still be processed? 
No, unfortunately. It will not be processed in the following year either.  
Do I need to provide proof of participation to my board?  
No, this is not required.  
I did not serve a full year on the board, can I still get a testimonial?  

Yes, even if you have served on a board for less than a year, you can request a testimonial.  
Can I also get a testimonial from previous academic years?  
No, you can only get a testimonial from the past academic year (2022-2023). 
My fellow board members have already had a testimonial, but I haven't yet. How can this be the case?  
Please send an email to esa.planningsupportcenter@tue.nl, so we can figure out if something went wrong with your application.