
A summary of the conditions

You may be entitled to assistance from the Student Financial Support fund if due to exceptional circumstances you fall behind with your work during the three years of your Bachelor’s program or two years of your Master’s program, and are unable to complete the program within the period for which you are entitled to a student grant or loan. You must be or have been entitled to a student grant or loan for the program in question. Under the new Dutch system of student grants and loans, these comprise a loan, in some cases a supplementary grant, and a student travel card. Foreign students who are not entitled to a student grant or loan from the Dutch government are, under certain conditions, eligible for an allowance in the event of illness or exceptional family circumstances.

Refer to the Student Financial Support (Profileringsfonds) Regulations for 2022-2023 for a detailed explanation of the conditions.

The following text outlines the Student Financial Support (Profileringsfonds) Regulations.

Exceptional circumstances

The exceptional circumstances that may entitle students to assistance from the Student Financial Support scheme include:

  1. Illness
  2. Disability
  3. Pregnancy
  4. Exceptional family circumstances
  5. Organizational and administrative activities performed on behalf of the TU/e, including membership of the University Council, a program committee, department council or department board.
  6. Membership of a board of a student organization as referred to in appendix 2 of the Student Financial Support (Profileringsfonds) Regulations.
  7. Program-related exceptional circumstances where the program has been organized in such a way that the student cannot reasonably be expected to pass the final examination within the nominal duration of the study program.
  8. Combining study with a.o. sports/culture/entrepreneurship at top level (a so-called dual career).


In the event of illness, including a chronic one, or disability, you should first apply to DUO through the student counselor for an extra year of student grant and/or loan. If after that period you are still behind with your studies, you can ask for student financial support.