Internships and graduation projects

Doing an internship and/or graduation project at a company is part of your degree program. You can opt to do an internship or graduation project at a Dutch or foreign company.

Internship and graduation agreements

It is standard practice for you and the company (and in some cases the TU/e as well) to enter into an agreement concerning the internship or graduation project. This agreement lays down conditions/arrangements regarding such things as working hours, an internship allowance, intellectual property rights and (if necessary) a duty of confidentiality.

The TU/e's model internship and graduation agreement, Parts A and C and Part B, can be used for this purpose. The model is based on the assumption that the internship or graduation project is a compulsory part of your curriculum. The model internship and graduation agreement is a tripartite agreement: in other words, you, the company and TU/e must all sign it. The agreement will be signed on behalf of TU/e by the Managing Director or an authorized TU/e staff member.

The company may alternatively offer you its own agreement. This may be bipartite (an agreement between you and the company) or tripartite (an agreement between you, the company and TU/e). If the internship is extracurricular, i.e. not part of your degree program, TU/e will not sign the agreement, as it is not party to it.

If the company offers you a contract itself, it is important to note the following information as regards clauses concerning:

Additional information

If you are using a contract offered to you by a company and the terms or arrangements are not entirely clear to you, please contact your faculty's internship coordinator.
You can also have a look at the FAQs page, which provides answers to questions that are frequently asked about internship and graduation agreements.