Human-Technology Interaction

It's all about the interaction between people and technology. The program offers basic knowledge from psychology covering basic themes such as perception, cognition, language and communication, and attitudes and social cognition. This knowledge is then applied to problems arising from the rapidly changing technological environments experienced in daily life. In particular, it is aimed at shedding light on questions like how should products, systems and environments be shaped such that they best serve the goals and needs of individual users, social groups and society in general, in a most efficient way, at the same time minimizing unwanted side effects. The technological domains on which the program focuses are the build environment, information and communication technology and sustainable energy.

Human-Technology Interaction masters acquire the knowledge and skills that should enable them to assess the feasibility of new technological developments in view of human values, goals, constraints and capabilities. This knowledge should enable them to play an important role in the design of new technologies by rendering a central position to the role of the user.

For more information just drop by at our sub-department and ask one of the employees or secretaries, Atlas 9.401 or send an e-mail.

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