Application procedure

Application procedure

  1. Applying for an administrative grant is done via a digital application form in Osiris. In the beginning of June 2023 you will receive an invitation from the student counsellor in Osiris to fill in the application form. The student counsellor invites students that are eligible, based on a list of names that has been passed on by the student associations federations. The deadline for submitting the digital application is 1 July 2023.
  2. Applications for assistance on the basis of membership of the University Council/Department Council/Program Committee will be made via Osiris. Please send an email to the ESA student counselors:
  3. Any other applications should first be discussed with a student counselor. They will decide whether you are eligible for support. If so, you will be sent an invitation in order to complete an application form in Osiris.
  4. You will be expected to provide supporting documents with all applications. Information on which documents you need for which circumstances is available here. For a top talent, this is a statement from the TU/e dual career committee indicating that the student has a 'top talent status': 
    • The deadline for applications depends on the circumstances:
      Illness and chronic illness, disability, pregnancy, special family circumstances, a program that cannot reasonably be completed within the nominal duration of study: January 1 of the academic year following the academic year in which the exceptional circumstances occurred.
    • Membership of a program committee/department council/the University Council: within two months of the end of the membership/term of office. The term of office is one year. 
    • Top talent: January 1 of the academic year following the academic year in which the study delay caused by the dual career took place.

The student counselors handle all applications on behalf of the Executive Board and make their decisions within eight weeks of an application being submitted. You will be informed of the decision in writing.