Check Your Match

Check Your Match

Do you already know how you want to fill in your elective space in your second and third year of your study program? Would you like to deepen or broaden your knowledge during your bachelor program by choosing an elective package from another department? To help you orientate, we organize the Check Your Match event. During this annual event you can gather information and ask all your questions about elective packages, USE-learning trajectories, Innovation Space and Honors programs.

Sign up!

Would you like to join Check Your Match? Great! You can sign up via this link.

Check Your Match 2023

This year Check Your Match will take place on May 9 and 10, from 12:30 to 13:30 in the main hall in Atlas. During the event, you can visit booths and ask questions to the package representatives. This may be a teacher or fellow student who previously took the course.

Due to the new curriculum of the Bachelor College, for part of the packages it is already clear when is the last time that the courses will be offered. This information is available in the flyer of the package. Information about the scheduling of the courses and exams is available in the course catalogue. So, look at these carefully before making your schedule. The information in the course catalogue is leading.

How is the event set up?

You can freely walk in and out of the main hall in Atlas and visit the booths that interest you. It is up to you how many booths you want to visit, how long you stay and what you want to ask. On both days, different elective packages and USE learning trajectories are present at the event. A full overview of which packages will be present on each day is uploaded below, so you can choose whether you want to visit the event just one of the days or both.

Get inspired

You can already take a look at all the elective packages and read the information about composing and choosing your electives. Not sure what questions to ask? We've listed a few for you

Honors Academy

During the event you can visit the Honors Academy booth where you can speak to current students about the different tracks. Ask your questions about your application at the Honors Academy booth. 

Innovation Space

During Check Your Match, you are welcome to visit the TU/e innovation Space stand. We are a community and learning center where you can collaborate with students from different majors in interdisciplinary Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) courses and projects, with a strong focus on entrepreneurship. Each semester, you have the opportunity to participate in ISBEP, the Innovation Space Bachelor End Project, where you can develop an innovative solution for one of the 15 real-world challenges or societal problems, proposed by researchers, companies, or the government. If you are interested in this, be sure to visit our stand.


Want to take (online) courses and challenges at other universities? Then visit the EuroTeQ booth. EuroTeQ is a collaboration of six leading Universities of Science and Technology. EuroTeQ offers selected (online) courses and challenges for students from the partner universities. Browse the EuroTeQ course catalogue for more information! Or watch the webinar for practical info. 

Strategic alliance TU/e, WUR, UU and UMC Utrecht

Together with Wageningen University & Research (WUR), Utrecht University (UU) and Utrecht University Medical Center (UMC Utrecht), we team up in a strategic alliance (EWUU) to engage important challenges in science and society. Want to know more? Visit the booth during Check Your Match.

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More information

Want to know more? Contact Check your Match-event Bachelor College via the contact form below.
