Office 365

At TU/e we use Office 365 (O365) wherever possible; this makes it a lot easier to share files and work together with other people. This page contains more information about Microsoft Office 365.  

If you have not yet installed Office 365, please do this as soon as possible via this link. As long as you are enrolled as a student at TU/e and have a email address, you can use O365 completely free of charge. This helps you to study efficiently and to work together with other students and lecturers.  

Using applications offline and online

Almost everyone has probably worked with Word, Excel or PowerPoint at some time. But did you know that Office 365 has a lot more handy applications? And it also allows you to use programs online, so you don't need to install them all. Some of these can in fact only be used online. Among other things, O365 allows you to work in a document at the same time as someone else, to make to-do lists, to plan meetings, to chat and to make questionnaires. Here is a list of applications that you will find useful. 

Save all your data securely in OneDrive

Use OneDrive to manage and store all your files and data – such as research data, internship reports and final project reports – and to make backups (which also comply with EU privacy legislation (GDPR)). Your free account provides you with 1 terabyte of data storage. In OneDrive it is also very easy for you to share your data with others. Plus, you can open the application from any location and on any device. 

Outlook: email, diary, contacts, tasks; all in one place

Outlook is not only a program for sending and receiving email, but it also gives you direct access to the contact details of everyone at TU/e. In the diary you can see when someone is available and you can plan a meeting right away, including reserving the necessary meeting room. You can also use Outlook to schedule an online meeting with a link to Teams. So if everyone uses Outlook, you no longer need to use programs like Datumprikker. And you don't need to specially open the BookMySpace app. The apps work together very easily! Finally, you can also use Outlook to plan tasks for yourself for which you will receive a reminder. So you never need to miss another deadline. 

The following video shows how to plan a meeting easily. 

OneNote: take notes online, structure them and share them with others

Use OneNote to maintain different notebooks, to navigate and search in them. You can also share your notes with others. Within the notes you can also assign tasks to a team member and save emails related to the note. This app does away with the need for a paper notebook.

Teams: chat, meet and work together

Within MS Teams you can chat, meet and share files within a group, such as a study group, and use various Office 365 apps. If you need a Teams environment for your study group, for example, you can request this via the SelfServicePortal. You can record your meeting to watch later or to share. Don't forget that you need to comply with privacy legislation: ask the permission of those in the meeting, and only share the recording if there is a good reason and if everyone consents. In Teams your files (including version management) are stored online and are available online all over the world. 

Forms: make forms and questionnaires yourself, quickly and easily

Make a questionnaire, form, quiz or poll quickly and easily, and save all the data securely. You can also integrate Forms in your Teams environment, in order to plan a date for a next meeting, for example. 


If you have trouble installing Office 365, or you experience problems using it, check out the O365 web pages or submit your question via Topdesk


  • When you install Office 365, you are given 5 licenses. This enables you to install O365 on several devices, such as your laptop, smartphone and tablet. You can then synchronize all these devices. 
  • Go to to see what other apps you can use. You are bound to find something handy there that you haven't come across yet. 

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