Student wellbeing

TU/e is a vibrant and international community of students and staff, in times like today it is of utmost importance that we come together and look after each other and our wellbeing.

Stay connected, chat with your friends and classmates, ask them if they are okay, and help each other reach out to support if necessary. 

Taking care of yourself and each other

Everyone feels low sometimes – it is part of life and is what makes us human. Having a couple of days in which you do not feel at your best is totally normal. In moments like these we may need to take a little extra care of ourselves and each other. This looks different to everyone. 

Online wellbeing course platform

Would you like to work on your mental health anonymously and by yourself or with a fellow student? That’s possible via the online wellbeing course platform offered by Gezondeboel.  

Dozens of courses are available to work on for example “Fear of failure”, “Loneliness”, “Selfcompassion”, “Dealing with Corona stress” or “Relaxation”, to mention some examples. There’s much more to explore, of course for TU/e students for free.

Connect with others and support each other

  • Looking for friendships within Eindhoven through shared interests? Connect with others via Weeples. All you need to do is download the app and become part of our social community! 
  • If you have not already, join an association to connect with others within the TU/e community
  • Are you a first year student? Reach out to your student mentor group
  • Connect with your friends and classmates back on campus.
  • Join the discussion hours of your study association to chat with your peers about various wellbeing topics! A coach will be present to help guide the discussion.
  • Want to chat with a fellow student one on one, contact one of the confidential contact persons (peer listeners).

Do you need further support?

Life can be overwhelming, so feeling lonely, demotivated, sluggish, sad, etc. is totally normal. You still may feel like you are in need of some more support. If this is the case please reach out to one of the sources below::

Sometimes reaching out for support seems scary. Don’t hesitate to ask a friend to help you contact the right people, or be the friend that offers support.

  • Is it an emergency? Call 112! Do you need immediate help for yourself or someone else and you can't wait until you can contact your general practitioner or emergency clinic? Then also call 112. Even if you are in doubt.
  • Do you have mental health problems and notice that you are stuck? Are you thinking about suicide? Or do you suspect that your loved one is thinking about suicide? Call 113. 
  • Are you concerned about your mental or physical health? Contact your general practitioner. Do you not have a GP in the Netherlands yet? Find out more here or access an online doctor via  
  • Do you have study related concerns? Contact your academic advisor, who will be able to redirect you to other sources of support. For more information check out the student guidance page.
  • Want to talk to others about what you are experiencing? Join a discussion hour via your study association or contact one of the peer listeners to have a chat. 
  • Just want to talk to someone about your life and concerns? Contact a life coach or join a group session via TINT.  

Other sources of support external to the university include:

  • Would you like to just have a chat with someone? Call de Luisterlijn or chat with a buddy at Frisse Gedachtes.
  • Want to connect with someone who has had a similar experience to you? Contact Mind Support.
  • nterested in other support groups in and around Eindhoven, check out the Self help network in Eindhoven
  • Want to get a grip on your finances? Check out the Get a Grip program by Humanitas.
  • Not feeling great and want to connect with a buddy or mentor, apply to the Jeugdsupport program.  
  • Would you like support from a coach? Check out Go4it.
  • Feeling lonely? Would you like to get into more contact with others? Contact JoinUs.

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