
The master program OML starts a new curriculum in September 2023.

The new program offers four tracks (plus a special/free track) based on typical operational processes towards which the knowledge generated within OML field is directed:

  1. Services
  2. Supply chains
  3. Manufacturing and Maintenance
  4. Transport and Mobility
  5. Special/ free track

The systems in those domains show important differences that pose different questions and priorities, which require different types of models and solution methods. Accordingly, we propose different sets of track core and specialization elective courses for those tracks based on the approaches that are most relevant for them. We also provide design courses in each track core that are tailored towards the needs of the track. More detailed infomration on the tracks can be found under the different tabs at the left.

Despite the differentiation in the tracks, the program remains as one OML MSc program with tracks rather than five different OML MSc programs. The tracks are there to guide you from the beginning in order to help you choose the most relevant and appropriate courses for your master’s project.

General program outline

The Master’s program contains 120 ects and consists of:

  • Core and track core courses: 35 ects
  • Each track covers a design course as well as all underlying disciplines of the program:
    • operations planning and control
    • information systems
    • accounting and finance
    • work and organizational psychology
    • artificial intelligence
  • Track specialization electives: 10 ects
  • Free Electives including International Experience: 40 ects
  • Preparation Master's Thesis: Literature Study: 5 ects
  • Master thesis project: 30 ects

The final master thesis is written about a subject related to the chosen track, specific to the individual course program as well as the interests of the student. 

Additional Requirements

I)  Students need to acquire sufficient knowledge in financing and accounting. This can be obtained by:

  1. Courses obtained during the BSc program: 1CK40 AND one out of two: 1CK80 or 1CK90.*
  2. OR: Adding 1CM270 (1CM22 for cohort 2022 and earlier) to your master program.
  3. OR: A similar course on financial and operational decision making at another university.
    *NB: students are not allowed to use one of the BSc program courses listed under 1 as homologation in the MSc program.

II) Students need to have sufficient knowledge in operations planning and control as well as information systems at the start of the program, as this knowledge is a pre-requisite in some courses. The students missing this knowledge are strongly recommended to follow a homologation course (such as 1CVK00 and 1BVK00) which will consume from the free elective space.

Design your own program

The OML program allows a student in collaboration with the mentor to select an individual focus on operational processes and a variety of research methods. One specific option is the Artificial Intelligence Methods Package.