Options M21

The M21 semester is dedicated to completing your development towards your Final Master Project and career after ID. You can choose to already start with your Final Master Project; or do a separate project/learning activity to develop the competences you will need in order to start your FMP the subsequent semester. The set-up for the M21 semester is very individual; every student requires a different plan. Clearly indicate your choice, and relation to your professional identity, vision and competence development in your PDP and deliverables.

With the M21 options we offer you the opportunity to do a:

  • Project
  • Exchange
  • Master courses at another Department/University in the Netherlands

During the M21 semester you also work on your FMP Proposal.


As some options involve a preparation procedure of more than six months, it is advised to explore the M21 options within the first semester of the master program. Before selecting the option that matches best your development, it is important that you discuss your preferred option with your mentor. You discuss with your mentor your plans as part of your study program. You will be asked to motivate why this option is relevant for your FMP, your development and career. Your mentor will advise you on your preferred option, taking also into account the coherence of your study program.

In case you started your master program between September 2018 and September 2021, other registration codes and ECTS for the activities during the M21 apply. You can read more about the set-up of the M21 semester on this page:

Started in or after September 2021

For the second year, you can choose between the following three options.

Preparation FMP (Project + FMP Proposal)


Master courses other Department/University in the Netherlands


Code(s) Option Code Proposal
Preparation FMP*
(20 ECTS)
Not applicable
DPM430 Exchange*
(15 ECTS)
FMP Proposal
(5 ECTS)
DPM440 Master Courses at other Department/University NL
(15 ECTS)

*In case of an exchange or a Preparation FMP abroad, the student can get an exemption of 5 ECTS
(one elective) for international experience. The student needs to register for DPM490.