Only students, who started in or after September 2021, who chose to go on an Exchange (15 ECTS) or take master courses at another Department at the TU/e or at another university in the Netherlands (15 ECTS) are able to register for the FMP Proposal (5 ECTS) for quarter 2 or quarter 4.

All students who started between September 2018 and September 2021 are able to register for the FMP Proposal (5 ECTS) for all quarters.


Within D*M200 FMP Proposal, you will explore and define the scope of your Final Master Project (FMP) and will conclude this in your project brief. 

Within your brief you need to describe the focus and boundaries you have set for your FMP. This description should include the direction or design/solution space that you envision for your project, with a positioning in state-of-the art work; the design process that you plan to use (including a planning), how you expect to integrate the (two selected) expertise areas and the design deliverables that you have set for your project. 

In the brief you make sure that your unique profile is reflected; your professional identity and vision, chosen expertise areas, track and (intended) competence development. You should link your project brief to the department's mission and the master program's intended learning outcomes. 

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Students who started in or after September 2021, are going on an exchange or taking master courses outside our department during their M21, can register for the FMP Proposal (5 ECTS) in either quarter 2 or quarter 4. Students who started between September 2018 and September 2021 can register for the FMP Proposal (5 ECTS) in parallel to their M21 Option.

Register for one of these codes:

  • DEM200 FMP Proposal (SC) (when your graduation mentor is part of the Research Group Systemic Change)
  • DFM200 FMP Proposal (FE) (when your graduation mentor is part of the Research Group Future Everyday)

After your registration in Osiris, you can receive a message that you are added to the waiting list. When the entrance requirements for are met, you will be removed from the waiting list and registered by CSA-ID before the project starts.

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The graduation mentor will support you in developing your project brief. We encourage you to involve other experts, clients, stakeholders in developing your project brief.

Are you planning to do your FMP Proposal (and possibly Final Master Project) in cooperation within an external party or company? You can consult the Collaborating with a company page. You can contact our Internship Coordinator for more information on contracts.   

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The FMP Proposal will be concluded with a competence assessment.


  • Proposal and planning (maximum 3500 words)
  • Presentation/Oral Exam

Note: If there is an overlap between the (M21) report and the FMP Proposal – when both are assessed at the same moment in Q2 or Q4 – you can deliver a limited FMP Proposal (e.g. focusing on the planning) wherein you refer to your M21 report.


In the proposal, you need to describe the focus and boundaries you have set for your FMP. This description should include the direction or design/solution space that you envision for your project, with a positioning in state-of-the art work; the design process that you plan to use (including a planning), how you expect to integrate the (two selected) expertise areas and the design deliverables that you have set for your project. You should make sure that your unique profile is reflected; your professional identity and vision, chosen expertise areas, track and (intended) competence development. You should link your FMP proposal to the department's mission and the master program's intended learning outcomes. You may decide upon the layout of the proposal yourself. Discuss the structure of it with your mentor in advance; and check its alignment with your project and chosen Track. On Canvas you will deliver your proposal before the deadline as indicated on the year planning (on the Forms and files page). In case of a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), send it to your examiners and CSA-ID via e-mail, and put a comment in Canvas stating your project has an NDA.


You will be assessed by your graduation mentor and another examiner, the expert examiner. This examiner is an expert in the other expertise area you chose. The expert examiner will (in most cases*) be part of your Graduation Panel at the end of your Final Master Project as the expert examiner.

*In some situations, such as sabbatical, retirement, change of jobs or illness we may need to deviate from this procedure.

Assessment Meeting

It is your responsibility to approach both examiners (and/or the secretaries of the research groups) to plan an assessment meeting.

The meeting structure is as follows:

  • 10 min Proposal
  • 10 min Q&A
  • 10 min deliberation between examiners

In case you do both the FMP Proposal and M21 Option assessment in Q2/Q4 (only applicable for students who started between September 2018 and September 2021), you only need to organize one assessment meeting; both aspects are examined by the same panel of examiners.

Structure of the combined meeting:

  • 15 min Presentation competence development + Proposal
  • 10 min Q&A
  • 10 min deliberation between examiners

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Assessment Criteria

  1. Is this topic suitable for an FMP at ID, i.e. does it match with the department's mission and the program's intended learning outcomes?
  2. What makes the student a suitable candidate to conduct this project, does it connect to their identity and vision, and are there sufficient opportunities for competence development (both to develop expertise and to address potential weaknesses to achieve the end-terms).
  3. Is the proposed project feasible within one* or two** semester(s) (based on experience, planning and outcomes first iteration(s).
  4. Can the student communicate it clearly and consistently in wording and in writing.

* In case the student chooses to do a separate project or other learning activity during the M21 semester and starts with the FMP (30 ECTS) in the M22 semester.
** In case the student chooses to start with the topic of the FMP during the M21 semester (15 ECTS/20 ECTS) and continues in the M22 semester (30 ECTS) with the same project.

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Based upon the assessment criteria the FMP Proposal can result in the following outcomes:

  • In case all criteria are met, you will receive a P verdict.
  • In case criteria 1 is not met, you will receive an verdict.
  • In case criteria 2 is not met, you will receive an verdict.
  • In case criteria 3 is not met, you will receive a verdict and have the opportunity to do a retake; and need to update the planning/proposal.
  • In case criteria 4 is not met, you will receive a verdict and have the opportunity to do a retake; and need to update the proposal/presentation.
  • No show/no deliverable(s): NV

You will receive feedback from your graduation mentor via the Rubric on Canvas. In case not all criteria are met, your graduation mentor will leave a comment with an explanation on Canvas.

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You will receive a verdict as a result for the FMP Proposal. The verdict as recorded in Osiris is binding.

  • Hold (H): you are not promoted and do not receive ECTS; you have to redo the FMP Proposal. You may not participate in the Final Master Project assessment if you have not concluded the FMP Proposal with a positive result (P).
  • Conditional Hold (C): you are not promoted unless conditions are met within a maximum of 15 working days after the verdict is recorded in Osiris.
  • Promotion (P): you are promoted and receive 5 ECTS.

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You can receive a retake and will need to upload your planning/proposal or proposal/presentation. You deliver your retake to Canvas. In case you have a retake on your presentation, you will need to schedule a moment with the examiners. The maximum deadline for the retake is 15 working days after the verdict is recorded in Osiris (≠ the publication date of the Rubrics).


In case of a hold for the FMP Proposal you can redo the FMP Proposal the subsequent quarter.

*See PER of academic year 2022-2023. In case of questions, consult the Academic Advisor.

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