Admission to MSc HTI

Students who finished the bachelor Psychology and Technology have direct access to the MSc-HTI, regardless of their specializations. However, to be able to follow engineering courses in the Master, it is necessary that PT students have a sufficiently strong background in an engineering domain (by having selected on or more engineering coherent packages as their electives).

Admission to the Human-Technology program: Using the Flow Matrix (doorstroommatrix in Dutch), you can determine whether you can be admitted directly to the Master's program. Note that the Flow matrix is not run by our university and can only be used to get an indication.

Admission other bachelors

Detailed information, see: TU/e bachelors and non-TU/e bachelors (including HBO) and the Program and Examination Regulations MSc Programs IE&IS 21 22 (under Regulations on the lefthand side menu).

If you want more information about admission, please contact the IE&IS departmental admission board i(e-mail

Directly to

More information

Want to know more? Contact Center for Student Administration IE&IS at +31 40 - 247 2190 or via the contact form below.
