Student Guidance

At Data Science and Artificial Intelligence we find it very important that you get the right support and guidance during your studies. Throughout your master’s program you will get support and guidance from different people in different roles.

Academic Advisor

The Academic Advisors for the Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (pre-)master program are Katie MacLeod and Jet Verbeeten

You can contact them with questions about the program, the university, or personal topics that affect your study.

Drop-in advising hours: Every Thursday 12.30-13.30 in MF3.096

Appointments: For questions longer than 5 minutes, or to meet outside the drop-in hours, book an appointment.

Office: MF 3.096

Phone: 040 247 2966 (Jet) and 040 247 8631 (Katie) 


At the start of the program, you will be assigned a Mentor (previously also called Teacher Coach), who will be your point of reference for all content related questions. In this frame you can think for example about how to choose the right electives and to compose your study program, orienting towards the right fit of research cluster for your graduation project. These types of questions are in line with the direction you have in mind for your future career, and the coaching you receive will help you to reach your goals.  

Keep in mind: your Mentor won’t make the decisions for you but will merely give you guidance by reflecting with you on the different possibilities. You are in the lead, and after your Mentor has first reached out to you, you will take the initiative to contact your Mentor when you have a question. 

SCOP/e - Study & Career Orientation Program (2IMR10)

The study & career orientation program is intended to support the students in a structured way in their decision-making process towards graduation with a research group of their preference and to prepare students for making choices regarding their future career. The program is mandatory for all students in the DSAI, CSE, IST and ES programs starting from AY 2023-2024. Students from previous cohorts that have not started their (preparation for) graduation project prior to Q2 2023-2024 are asked to register for the administrative part only of this course in Canvas.

SCOP/e consists of 2 parts: an administrative part aimed at matching students to a supervisor for graduation and consisting of a series of forms/surveys to fill out, and a content part consisting of a number of activities aimed at supporting students in making well-founded choices both for the content and direction of their study programs.  Some of the SCOP/e content activities are mandatory, in other cases a minimum number of activities needs to be attended in order to fulfill the requirements of the program. The SCOP/e program needs to be completed upon completing the Preparation for Graduation Project. For students from cohorts that started prior to AY 2023-2024 this requirement only concerns the administrative part.