Track 6. Manufacturing systems


The manufacturing industry is in anticipation of a fourth industrial revolution. This revolution is driven by innovations in digitization, robotics and connectivity, and promises to radically change the industry in the coming decades. All resources in the value chain, including material, machines, factories, products and customers, will be able to communicate with each other and to exchange real-time data, thus creating an Internet of Things. This opens a world of possibilities for the application of artificial intelligence and mathematical techniques to create smart and autonomous manufacturing processes and to develop new products and services. To successfully go through this transition, industry needs engineers with broad knowledge of manufacturing, artificial intelligence and mathematic modeling, and who understand the whole value chain, from the technology inside the machines up to the level of supply chains. The manufacturing track aims to educate these engineers.

What you will learn

To become an AI-enabled manufacturing engineer, you will learn in the manufacturing track the fundamentals of:

  • Manufacturing technology
  • Integrated manufacturing system design
  • Digital twins and cyber physical manufacturing systems
  • Multi-agent systems for modeling and control of manufacturing systems
  • Manufacturing logistics
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Planning and scheduling in automated manufacturing systems
  • Human robot interaction in manufacturing and warehousing
  • Supply chain management

Track video Manufacturing systems