Track 2. Mobility


The Mobility eco-system is currently undergoing a radical change. On the one hand, it is being challenged by soaring traffic levels and emissions, whilst, on the other hand, disruptive technologies such as autonomous driving, the internet of things, AI, and powertrain electrification are becoming pervasive. These technologies are bound to change the way we reason about mobility, offering a pathway to more sustainable and human-centered mobility systems. 

With problems getting ever more complex, AI engineers are needed to tackle mobility-related problems and devise innovative solutions for today’s and future mobility challenges. 

What you will learn

By joining the AI&ES track on Mobility, you will acquire a holistic knowledge on applying AI methods to mobility systems, from the design and control of individual vehicles in terms of autonomous driving and powertrain design, up to the macroscopic perspective encompassing mobility systems at large. Typical topics discussed are automated driving, perception systems, cooperative driving, intelligent powertrain design, and smart mobility systems.

Track video Mobility