Graduation project

Graduation project

The graduation project is the last part of your preparation for a professional career. This last part of the curriculum is worth 45 ECTS and normally takes 3 quartiles.

In a graduation project you conduct research within the field of one of the four tracks, and/or make a design. It is also possible to combine expertise or content from another core program, another department or another university. Part of your graduation project may take place abroad.

Before you start

There are some requirements you need to fulfill before you start with a graduation project:

  • Your personal study plan meets the requirements of your core program or register program, is handed in to the Education & Student Affairs Office and approved by the Examination Committee.
  • You have obtained at least 55 ECTS, and less than 20 ECTS remaining of your track's program.

Graduation process

The process of graduation is different for each specialization. For example: AUDE students can choose from an offer of graduation studios and BPS students discuss research proposals with a professor within their fields of interest.

The units AUDE, BPS and USRE have a graduation guide available with detailed information. You can download them in the Downloads section.

Study association KOers! has created a guide with helpful information for SED students.

You can discuss graduation possibilities with your mentor, or contact the coordinator of your track for more information about graduation:

AUDE ir. Maarten Willems
BPS dr. Katrin Schollbach
SED ir. Floor van Schie
USRE dr. Feixiong Liao

Each student is supervised and assessed by a Supervising Committee, consisting of at least three members. The composition of this committee must be approved by the Examination Committee before the start of the graduation process. For more information see appendix 9B of the Examination Regulations, in the downloads (where you can also find the form to be used). 

Graduation request

If you have successfully completed all the necessary exam requirements and everything is processed in Osiris, you may request graduation (apply for the final exam).  Here is the procedure.

Graduation agreement



Is a company involved in your graduation project? TU/e offers graduation agreements. More information can be found via this link.

Appointment diploma Educational desk

Is it unfortunately not possible for you to join the diploma ceremony? 

In that case we offer you the opportunity to pick up your diploma in Vertigo 2.12. It's necessary to book an appointment. Please book an appointment via Educational guide online.

More information

Want to know more? Contact Team ESA Built Environment via the contact form below.