Coaching and career orientation

Coaching and career orientation

As a student of the Graduate School, you are responsible to build your own future. This means that you are expected to work independently towards your own goals by making a good planning of your study program, a development plan for your professional skills, by preparing an international experience, by orientating on career possibilities etc.

Of course, we will help you with all of this if necessary:


All students of the master program ABP have a personal mentor. The main role of the mentor is to support you in getting the best possible start to your career. The mentor is available to help you with questions concerning the choice of courses, development of professional skills, and career plans. Your mentor can suggest challenging courses, introduce you to people in relevant research departments and companies, and help you choose a career profile or a combination of profiles.

With your mentor you should:

In the Download section, you can find suggestions for topics you may want to discuss during mentor meetings.

Your mentor is assigned to you by the coordinator of the unit that is responsible for your track. You should contact the coordinator for this as soon as possible:


Normally, the tutor of your first masterproject is your mentor. If you have not done a masterproject, or this tutor is not available, please contact: ir. Maarten Willems

BPS dr. Katrin Schollbach
SED ir. Floor van Schie
USRE dr. Feixiong Liao

Study advisor

You can also contact the study advisor Mrs. Josée Pulles if you have questions regarding the curriculum, your personal study progress, or in the case of personal circumstances.

Visit the Education & Student Affairs Office to make an appointment (VRT 2.12, 12:00-14:00) or contact her directly using the following e-mail address:

Directly to

More information

Want to know more? Contact us via the contact form below.