Graduation project

Graduation project

The 45 credits graduation project or the 60 credits graduation project offers you the opportunity to apply your acquired knowledge, competences, and skills. You can perform your graduation project in one of the research groups of the department Applied Physics or outside the department, or abroad as long as this is agreed upon by you and your supervisor, who should be an examiner from a research group related to your chosen track.

Prerequisites and enrollment

You may start the graduation project when you:

  • Successfully completed the general compulsory study component, and
  • Successfully completed the track compulsory study component, and
  • within your total Master’s program not more than 10 credits of (track) electives are still open.

You should discuss your desired graduation project together with your graduation supervisor. With your graduation supervisor you should also discuss the schedule of your project. In case you want to conduct your graduation project abroad within an external research institute, company or university, an external supervisor should be involved in defining the planning and the project phases.

Enrollment takes place via the Graduation project registration form and Osiris.

Information about studying in times of COVID-19 can be found here.

To do

Please consult the graduation project study guide and the assessment protocol for more information regarding the organization of the project and follow all steps carefully. When you started your graduation project before 1 september 2021, please contact CSA AP to receive the assesment protocol and studyguide that concerns you.

Before starting your Graduation project, you must fill in the registration form Graduation contract. Do not sign your contract until it has been checked.

  • If you use a standard TU/e agreement (e.g. the work place agreement), CSA AP will have your contract signed by the managing director. (So, your responsible Applied Physics supervisor should not sign contracts)
  • If you use a non-standard TU/e agreement (e.g. research institute, company or university contract) or if modifications have been made to the standard agreement, CSA AP will forward your contract to the education lawyers for a legal check. Then, the education lawyer will make sure you receive the final version of your contract that you can sign.

Please be aware that the process of reviewing, changing and signing a contract can easily take one month. Therefore, fill in the form as soon as possible.

Finalizing the graduation project

After the research is concluded, you have to hand in your final report describing the project and its results at the company (if applicable) & your responsible Applied Physics supervisor.

You must use the AP format for the title page graduation project AP.  

Please note, a company or research group might want to make the final report confidential and impose an embargo. Depending on the duration of the embargo (≤ 2 years or 2-5 years) you must hand in a public summary or public version of the final report in addition to the original final report. Only the original final report is used for purposes related to the assessment. The public summary and public version of the final report are published in the TU/e library until the embargo expires. More information can be found in the Study guide graduation project AP.

You give a final presentation for the graduation committee which is followed by a defense. The graduation committee fills out the assessment form. The responsible Applied Physics supervisor (or group secretary of the supervisor) hands in the signed assessment form, final report, signed Code of conduct for the master’s thesis, and, if applicable, the public version or public summary at CSA AP. CSA AP will process your grade. More information can be found in the Assessment protocol and Study guide graduation report (see sidebar).

Please note, you may not alter or update your final report (including if applicable the public summary or public version) after handing it in to the company & your supervisor. This includes no alterations or updates after the final presentation.