As part of the elective space, you must select at least one USE Learning Trajectory, or the program Science, Education and Communication. USE (the User, Society and Enterprise perspective of an engineer) and USE Learning Trajectories demonstrate technology’s use in a wider context. Engineers develop technology for users, to solve societal problems and to create economical possibilities.

You will follow one complete USE Learning Trajectory of three courses in your second year. Each USE Learning Trajectory is a coherent package that revolves around one main subject which visualizes the interaction between technology and the surrounding environment and focuses on one or more USE perspectives. USE Learning Trajectories provide an opportunity to deepen your professional identity and vision. The three components of each USE Learning Trajectory course are exploration, specialization and application. These components explain the sequence the courses are given, the sequence cannot be changed. You have to register for the USE Learning Trajectory by registering separately for the three courses offered within the trajectory.  
For an overview of the course registration dates, check the Dates and deadlines and the Year planning on the Forms and Files page

As part of the USE Learning Trajectory, you need to pass all courses of the USE Learning Trajectory with at least a grade 6, plus a set of five Studium Generale activities, in order to receive your bachelor's degree.

USE Learning Trajectories are offered across all departments of the TU/e and you may choose a USE Learning Trajectory from all USE Learning Trajectories that the TU/e offers. The trajectory offered by the Department of Industrial Design is Designing for People, Sports and Vitality. All trajectories marked with an * in the overview, are highly recommended for Industrial Design Students.

USE Learning trajectory Area of expertise
Data Challenges Math, Data and Computing
Decisions under Risk and Uncertainty User and Society
Design for a Sustainable Future User and Society
Designing for People, Sports and Vitality*  User and Society

Information Science, Technology and Society

User and Society
Internet of Things* Business and Entrepreneurship
New Product Development and Marketing* Business and Entrepreneurship

Responsible Innovation for the World

User and Society
Robots Everywhere User and Society
Patents, Design Rights, and Standards Business and Entrepreneurship
Physics of Social Systems User and Society
Quality of Life* User and Society
Technology Entrepreneurship* Business and Entrepreneurship
The Future of Mobility User and Society
The Secret Life of Light* User and Society

How to choose and plan your USE Learning Trajectory

Your choice of USE Learning Trajectory should be based on your interests and ambitions which form the backbone of your professional identity and vision. You can use the Rubrics, see Forms and Files page, of the final bachelor project (FBP) to become familiar with the competencies you need to develop during Industrial Design’s bachelor program. 

The “Check your Match” event is organized to explore what each USE Learning Trajectory has to offer. All USE Learning Trajectories will be presented at the event and you will have the opportunity to talk to lecturers and students from the USE Learning Trajectories and electives packages.

You will also be able to discuss whether you can develop your learning goals and expertise areas within the offered trajectory and electives and check the alignment with your vision and identity. Before the “Check your Match” event, the overall descriptions of the USE Learning Trajectories for next academic year are updated and published online.

You will receive more information about the event via email from the TU/e. Read the background information and make a selection of the USE Learning Trajectories you want to investigate during the “Check your Match” event. Use the “Check your Match” registration form to register attendance.

More information on planning your USE learning trajectory in combination with your other electives, courses and projects can be found on the Plan Your Program page.