IST electives

IST electives

The list below contains the preferred electives for the IST program. At least 15 credits must be taken from this list. Note that courses in quarters 1 and 2 can be taken in the second year in quarters 5 or 6.

Quartile Code Course Credits
1 2IMS10 Physical aspects of digital security  5
2 2DMI10 Applied Cryptography 5
3 2IMS40  Intrusion Detection Laboratory 5
3 2IMS15 Verification of security protocols 5
3 2DMI00 Cryptographic protocols  5
4 2IMS50 Introduction to quantum computing and quantum security 5

Free electives

In principle all master courses offered at the TU/e can be chosen as free electives. We do recommend to take more than the required minimum number of courses from the above lists.
Other mathematics and computer science related courses are also recommended, as well as security-related courses from other universities (provided their topics do not overlap with the TU/e courses you already take).

Your complete study program, including the free electives, always requires approval by the Examination Committee by submitting your Study Program form to Study Programs that deviate from the standard should include a motivation. Your mentor will help you to compose a balanced program that is very likely to be approved.

If you do not (yet) have a degree from another country or at least 15 credits in international experience you should reserve 15 credits from the room for free electives to take courses abroad or to do an internship of 15 credits abroad, see Section 1.7.2. (This does not apply to students taking the teacher training).