Master Thesis Project / report

As can be seen from the Curriculum, graduation consists of completing a Master Thesis Project, which is the final project in the master program. Since it is a full time project of one entire semester (30 ects) (for MSE-OML student 45 ects), a student should preferably have completed all other courses before starting this project. Hence this project is planned in the last (fourth) semester of the master program. It can however be started in the Fall or in the Spring semester.

In the Thesis Manual, the process of the Master's Thesis project for the Master's programs Innovation Management (IM) and Operation Management & Logistics (OML) is summarized. This manual serves as a guideline for students and mentors. Additionally, the required forms belonging to the Master's thesis process are explained. Also, in this manual the evaluation criteria for the Master's Thesis are defined.

 The content of this document is an addition to the official regulations (Education and Examination Regulations of both Master's programs, the Rules and Regulations of the Exam Committee of both programs, and the Graduation Regulations of both programs). In case of doubt, the official regulations will prevail.