Curriculum start year 2021/2022 and before

General program outline

The Master’s program contains 120 ects and consists of:

Be aware of the following:

I)  OML students need to acquire sufficient knowledge in financing and accounting. This can be obtained by:

  1. Courses obtained during the BSc program: 1CK40 AND one out of two: 1CK80 or 1CK90.*
  2. OR: Adding 1CM22 to your master program.
  3. OR: A similar course on financial and operational decision making at another university.
    NB: students are not allowed to use one of the BSc program courses listed under 1 as homologation in the MSc program.

II) Furthermore, the OML students need to have sufficient knowledge in programming and simulation at the start of the program, as this knowledge is pre-requisite in some courses. The students missing this knowledge are strongly recommended to follow a homologation course (such as 1BK50) which will consume from the free elective space.

Detailed programs per cohort can be found under downloads on the right.

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More information

Want to know more? Contact Center for Student Administration IE&IS at +31 40 - 247 2190 or via the contact form below.
