Curriculum masterprogram ME

Your program has a total duration of two years. Each year accounts for 60 EC. The complete ME-program has a study load of 120 EC.The first step is to select and apply for a specialization and a mentor. In consultation with your mentor, you select your courses. 

Program structure

Program structure:
Core 20 EC Choose 4 core courses
Specialization 20 EC Choose 20 EC from the list of specialization courses
Individual program 15 EC Free choice of all master's courses at TU/e
Professional skills   5 EC Two mandatory courses
Trainee-/Internship 15 EC  
Graduation project 45 EC  

The master's program is concluded with a final graduation project (45 EC), in which you demonstrate your ability to carry out a research or design project independently.

Registration for courses 


Double degree Master

Are you intested in a Double degree? Find more information about the Double degree in the checklist. You can find the request form for the master double degree here

More information

Want to know more? Contact CSA ME at 040 - 247 440 or via the contact form below. 
