Absence (intermediate) tests and exams

Report Absence

If you can’t be present or were not present at an interim test or a final test, you always have to report that!

Not present as a BC student at a (BSc) interim test?

Send an email to your academic advisor within 24 hours after you know you can’t be present. Add the reason of being absent and the course name and course code of the specific course in the email. The academic advisor will contact the teacher after receiving your email if if he/she acknowledges the reason of absence. The teacher will decide if he/she offers a resit of the interim test (that takes place before the final test) or he/she offers a compensation regulation (i.e. he/she doesn’t count the interim test when calculating the final grade of the course). Finally, the academic advisor informs you about the decision and possible offer.

Not present as a BC student at a (BSc) final test?

Send a request to the exam committee. The EC will discuss your request in the coming EC meeting. You will be informed about her decision within 20 work days after the meeting.

If it was the first time you were absent at a final test (not the resit), the EC will allow you to do the resit out of leniency for only one time based on article 5.5. of the PER.

A request to do the resit without having attended the first final test has to be motivated. A second time you request for this, the EC won’t approve to do the resitwithout a solid motivation for the absence.

When you were absent at the resit the exam committee will make a decision based on your circumstances.

Not present as a GS student at a (MSc) final test?

You can register for the resit yourself. You don’t have to request the exam committee.