Important dates

Please note the following important dates for the acadmic year 2021-2022, at which your presence is required. Further information can be found in Osiris (Course code 1S127).

Final dates, timing and locations will be communicated via CANVAS (1S127A/B, 1MC20/ 1MC25)

For start in September 2021

Quarter 1

September 6, 2021:                         Start of courses

September 7, 2021:                         Introduction meeting IM, 13:30-14:30

week 5/6                                          IM Track Meeting


For start in February 2022

Quarter 3

February 7, 2022:                            Start of Courses

February 8, 2022:                            Introduction meeting IM, 11:00-12:30

week 5/6                                          IM track Meeting

General time-line for track-mentor matching

Quarter 1/ Quarter 3

week 5-8

Orientation phase track selection
Students fill in the questionnaire ‘Track preferences

week 9

track matching phase
IM students receive the notification of their track

Quarter 2/4

week 10 (Q1) - week 2

Orientation phase mentor matching
Students make a selection of 3-5 prefered thems wihtin thier track. 

week 3

Mentor matching phase
IM students receive their short list of IM mentors

week 4-6

Mentor Interview phase
student have meetings with (short-listed) mentors for an interview. No commitments, exploration only!

week 7

Mentor/student decisions
If match, then student fills in “Form 01 IM Thesis Mentor Assignment” (see files) and hand it in at the education administration office as soon as possible.

week 8-9

CANVAS shows up-to-date overview of still available mentors. Students without mentor can contact them

week 10

Students still without a mentor will be allocated before 31 January 2020 (cohort September 2019)/ 4 July 2020 (cohort February 2020).