
The mentor system in place at IM and OML aims to aid the student through his/her master program. The role of the mentor is to help and guide the student in making decisions that affect the specialization of the student, the location, content and planning of the international semester, and the preparations related to the master thesis project (MTP). The mentor is the contact person for the student throughout the master program, and is primarily responsible for guiding the students in the master program. The mentor will also become the first supervisor of the MTP.

When assigned to a student, the task of the mentor is to:

  • discuss the development plan of the student based on the Skills Lab assessment
  • discuss (and sign) the Declaration concerning the TU/e Code of Scientific Conduct.
  • assist the student in selecting electives 
  • mentor the student in making a choice for a international semester destination and selection of courses;
  • assist the student with developing a thesis topic
  • acting as the first supervisor.

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More information

Want to know more? Contact dr. Rispens, Sonja at +31 40 - 247 5935 or via the ocntact form below.
