

At the start of the first year a mentor is assigned to each new master student. In most cases the project coach of the first master project also fulfills the role of the mentor.

The mentor supports you in:

  • Choosing electives and project's learning goals,
  • Creating a personal development plan,
  • Developing a professional identity and vision
  • Reflecting on your competence development

It is advised to discuss your development, professional identity and vision frequently with your mentor, at least three times per semester, and preferably after the PDP deadline, around the midterm and before submitting your final reflection.

Graduation mentor

After the first semester, you can choose a graduation mentor (from the list below) who will guide your development throughout the rest of your master program. There are several options for orientation; you will be informed via an info session and you can read more about this process on the pages about Preliminary or Final Study Program.

The graduation mentor has to be an examiner with examiner rights, as they are part of the assessment panel(s) of all individual master projects. Below you can find an overview with all the available graduation mentors and their expertise areas. You can also consult these staff members as an expert during your learning activities.


Name Role Group Expertise Area(s)
Andersen, H.K.G. (Kristina) Associate Professor FE CA, TR
Barakova, E.I. (Emilia) Assistant Professor FE US, MDC
Barati, B. (Bahar) Assistant Professor FE CA, TR
Bazilinskyy, P. (Pavlo) Assistant Professor FE US, MDC
Bekker, M.M. (Tilde) Full Professor SC US
Bernhaupt, R. (Regina) Full Professor SC MDC, US
Brankaert, R.G.A. (Rens) Assistant Professor SC BE, US
Bruns, M. (Miguel) Associate Professor FE CA
Chen, L. (Lin-Lin) Full Professor FE BE, CA
Chuang, Y. (Yaliang) Assistant Professor FE BE, CA, US
Eggen, J.H. (Berry) Full Professor FE CA, US
Essen van, H.A. (Harm) Assistant Professor FE US
Gabriele, F. (Ferri) Assistant Professor SC US
Frens, J.W. (Joep) Associate Professor  FE CA, TR
Funk, M. (Mathias) Associate Professor FE MDC, TR, BE
Hengeveld, B.J. (Bart) Assistant Professor  FE CA, US
Houben, S. (Steven) Assistant Professor SC US, TR, MDC
Hu, J. (Jun) Associate Professor SC TR, US, MDC
Huang, Y. (Janet) Assistant Professor FE TR, MDC
Hummels, C.C.M. (Caroline) Full Professor SC CA, US
Kuijer, S.C. (Lenneke) Assistant Professor  FE US, CA
Lallemand, C.E. (Carine) Assistant Professor  SC US, CA
Lee, M. (Minha) Assistant Professor FE US
Liang, J. (Rong-Hao) Assistant Professor  FE TR, MDC
Lockton, D.J.G (Dan) Assistant Professor FE CA, US
Lu, Y. (Lu Yuan) Associate Professor SC BE, US
Markopoulos, P. (Panos) Full Professor SC US, MDC
Martens, M.H. (Marieke) Full Professor FE US
Spek van der, E.D. (Erik) Assistant Professor SC US, TR, MDC
Tetteroo, D. (Daniel) Assistant Professor FE US, TR
Tomico Plasencia, O. (Oscar) Associate Professor FE CA
Waart de, S.G. (Simone) University Lecturer FE CA
Wakkary, R.L. (Ron) Full Professor FE CA
Wensveen, S.A.G. (Stephan) Full Professor FE US, CA
Yoo, D. (Daisy) Assistant Professor SC US