Embedded Networking stream

There is a powerful trend to connect embedded systems into networks. The Embedded Networking stream considers the architectures and protocols relevant for distributed and networked systems, and, in particular, their application to wireless sensor networks and the Internet of Things.

The following three courses are mandatory for the Embedded Networking stream (for more information about the courses, visit Osiris:

Course code Course name Credits Quarter
2IMN10 Architecture of distributed systems 5 1
5LIC0 Networked embedded systems 5 1
2IMN15 Internet of things 5 2

The Embedded Networking stream has the following stream electives, of which at least 15 credits should be chosen:

Course code Course name Credits Quarter
2IMF25 Automated reasoning 5 1
5LIH0 Digital integrated circuit design 5 2
5LIF0 Advanced digital circuit design1 5 2
2IMS20 Cyberattacks Crime and Defences 5 2
2IMS15 Verification of security protocols 5 3
5SIB0 Electronic design automation 5 3
2IMS30 Advanced Network Security2 5 3
2IMP30 System Design Engineering 5 4
5LIA0 Embedded visual control 5 4
5LID0 Systems on silicon 5 4
5LIK0 Embedded signal processing systems 5 4
2IMF00 Seminar3 Formal System Analysis 5 4, 6
2IMN00 Seminar3 Interconnected Resource-aware Intelligent Systems (IRIS) 5 4, 6

1 In a study program that includes Digital integrated circuit design (5LIH0) it is not allowed to also include Digital integrated circuits: fundamentals (5LIP0), due to overlapping contents.

Note that you need to already have some basic knowledge and skills in the domain of Network security (as addressed, e.g., in the bachelor course on Computer Networks and Security) before you can follow this course.

3A seminar may be followed starting from the fourth quarter of the program. For students starting in the first semester, this implies that the seminar may be followed in the second quarter of the second year.

Stream mentor: dr.ir. Reinder Bril (r.j.bril@tue.nl) prior to the beginning of the academic year you should register for 2IMC83.