Certificate programs

There are multiple certificate programs that offer the possibility to broaden your education. Many certificate programs are open for master students of all programs, such as the certificate Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (MSc).

The department of the Built Environment offers three certificate programs:

  • Construction Technology
  • Building Design & Technology
  • Circular Design in the Built Environment

The courses and projects of the certificate programs enable you to get more in-depth knowledge of the above topics. The subjects of Construction Technology and Building Design & Technology have previously been taught at our Department as separate master specializations. Within the new Graduate School program's ABP and CME, the certificate programs will meet the needs from those students and their future employers in the Built Environment.

All three certificate programs have an extent of 15 ECTS, of which 5 ECTS will come on top of the regular master program of 120 ECTS. This means that you can complete 10 ECTS of a certificate program within the elective space of your track.

Building Design & Technology


The certificate program ‘Building Design & Technology’ aims at design – and research skills in the field of the Building Technology. The certificate program emphasizes the relation between the design of the building and its technical elaboration. Below is an overview of the program:

7KP8M0 Smart Building Methodology & Technology Q3
7KP9M0 Building Technology with Extreme Complexity Q4
7KS1M0 Masterproject Building Technology Q1

Construction Technology

This certificate program aims at obtaining knowledge and research skills in the field of Construction Technology: the construction of a building. The emphasis lies on independent designing and developing a production process for the construction of a building by using materials, equipment and labor in the most optimal way. Below is an overview of the program:

7RC100 Inner-city modular high-rise Q1
7ZM7M0 Parametric Design Q3
7RC50 Masterproject Construction Plan Q4

Circular Design in the Built Environment

Circularity is often narrowed down to reuse and recycling, but on a systemic level it is about staying within planetary boundaries. This concerns energy, materials, waste ánd emissions: the whole picture. In a circular world energy and materials are renewable and their use stays within renewability rates. Waste and emissions are released at or below harmless rates. We are far from that balanced situation. For example, renewable energy relies on non-renewable metals that are in short supply due to growth, and environmental shadow costs of metals are sky high; bio based materials are the only materials that allow sustain-able growth, but not all of them are immediately available; various emission rates are still excessive. Economists now redefine "progress" and "costs". Once we understand the big picture, we can effectively explore circularity in planetary and urban spatial planning, (re-)design of buildings and elements, mining and cycling of materials.

We will go through this by lectures, assignments and a personal research a/o design project. We explicitly invite and welcome also students from other disciplines and domains than Built Environment, as there are many sides (a.o. ecological, technological, societal, behavioral, economic) to this problem.

This program contains a course (5EC, Q1) with theoretical lectures and active assignments and a personalized follow-up research a/o design project (10EC, Q3+4).

Want to do a certificate program?

You can register for the certificate programs BD&T and CT by submitting an enrollment form which you find in the Downloads section. To register for the certificate program Circular Design in the Built Environment please use the enrollment form on this page.

Please use the ABP-CME course overview with timeslot information to check if you can fit the courses in your personal study plan. In this schedule, the courses and projects of the certificate programs are marked with 'CT' , 'BT' or 'CD'. (available via curriculum)