Form of preference Master and specialization

Form of preference Master and specialization

Registration for placement round for semester 2 2023-2024 (deadline application October 31st 2023) is open. 

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)
Student information
Preference for Master and specialization
Please mark your first, second and third choice by choosing a different research group per fold-out menu.
Please note!
Medical Engineering is only possible in the following research groups:
- Orthopaedic Biomechanics (Ito)
- Cardiovascular Biomechanics (van de Vosse)
- Ultrasound imaging (Lopata)
- Medical Image Analysis (Pluim)
- Chemical Biology (Brunsveld)
- Computational Biology (van Riel)

You can find more information about the special tracks via de links in the right column.

Please note!
RMT is only possible in the following research groups:
- Soft Tissue Engineering and Mechanobiology (Bouten)
- Orthopaedic Biomechanics (Ito)
- Material Interface Sciences (De Boer)
- Biomedical Materials (Dankers)

MIx is only possible in the following research groups:
- Ultrasound imaging (Lopata)
- Medical Image Analysis (Pluim)
- Cardiovascular Biomechanics (Van de Vosse)
Extra information

More information

Want to know more? Contact BME via or via the contact form below. 
