Approval of program of examinations

A program of examinations (study program) is a coherent set of study components that comprises students’ degree programs. Students must choose the specialized study components and free elective study components at Master’s level available in the Curriculum. The specialized elective study components are only added to the program of examinations after advice from the mentor, to ensure that sufficient coherence is achieved. 

Students are strongly recommended to submit their program of examinations no later than six months after the start of their Master’s program, including the advice issued by the mentor, to the EC AI&ES for approval. The students should submit the Master AI&ES Program of examinations (study program) Form, which can be found in the Forms section, via Osiris Case in a pdf-format only. The form should be signed the students and track mentor.

In the situation that students reconsider the initial choices indicated in the program of examinations, a new program of examinations must be re-submitted via Osiris Case using the same form.

IMPORTANT: The (dis)approval of your program of examinations occurs separately from registering for and taking courses/exams.