Studying abroad

Increasing globalization means international experience is highly advisable for engineers of the future. 

The work field of Industrial Design cannot be viewed without an international context. As researcher, you are part of an international academic community. As interaction designer, you work at the R&D department of an international company such as BMW. As entrepreneur, the world is your marketplace. 

Our program provides you with the opportunity to experience an international professional environment in another country. The experience is highly valued by many of our students. 

Opportunities for studying abroad

In the Bachelor program we offer different possibilities to study abroad. These are all part of the External Learning Activity during the third year. 

You can go on an exchange at one of our partner universities, or you can find a design company abroad or a design research institute to do an internship at. 


To offer you a richer educational experience, TU/e gives you the chance to easily enroll in online course(s) through our international alliance EuroTeQ. Taking a course offered by our university partners within EuroTeQ gives you the opportunity to gain international experience from leading technical universities in Europe. In case you would like to add the credits of the EuroTeQ courses to your Bachelor curriculum you need to request this to the Examination Committee in advance. Make sure to contact your Academic Advisor if this is the case.