Curriculum start year 2022/2023 and before

Please note: The curriculum of the Bachelor Mechanical Engineering will change from the academic year 2023-2024 with the implementation of the Bachelor College 2.0 (After Redesign, AR) . This means the current curriculum will be phased out in the upcoming years.  

On June 20 2023 we gave a presentation about the (possible) impact this transistion can have on current students.

Curriculum 2022 - 2023

The curriculum for the Bachelor's program in Mechanical Engineering encompasses three academic years. The first year is called the propaedeutic phase. The size of an academic year is 60 credits. Each study point represents 28 study hours that are divided into contact hours and self-study hours.

The program of the first year consists of 12 courses in total. In addition to lectures with self-study and examinations, you also get Design Based Learning (DBL). During DBL, students work on a case in project groups. Just like the first year, the second year of the program consists of 12 courses. The third and final year of the program consists of 10 courses and is concluded with a Bachelor Final project.

The curriculum for academic year 2022-2023 was as follows

*) In the first academic year you can choose 2 courses yourself. For this there is a wide range of courses from different faculties. The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers in the first year the following subjects as elective:

Curriculum per generation

Every study generation of the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor's program (often) has its own Curriculum, these are the subjects that you have to pass for an undergraduate degree. A generation is the year in which the student started the study program.

Transitional arrangements

The Bachelor’s program of Mechanical Engineering is part of the TU/e Bachelor College which is being adjusted.  All students starting their TU/e bachelor’s program September 1, 2023 or later, will follow the new curriculum. If you started your bachelor’s program before September 1, 2023, you will continue your program according to the curriculum of the year you started your studies

If you are or will be delayed in your studies, transitional arrangements will usually apply. Below you can see which transitional arrangement currently appling to courses no longer offered.

New transition arrangements:

Major courses:

Old Course Replacement Course
4GA00 Introduction mechanical engineering  4CBLA00 Introduction mechanical engineering
4GA10 DBL Design of a launching mechanism 4CBLA10 CBL Design of a launching mechanism
4GA40 CBL Multiped robot 4CBLA20 CBL Multiped robot
4GA50 DBL Solar heat system 4CBLB00 CBL Solar heat system1
4CC30 Design principles + 4DC10 Analysis of production systems 4CC40 Design principles and analysis of production systems

14CBLB00 will be offered starting Q1 2024-2025, no replacement course in 2023-2024.
2A passing grade for 4CC30 or 4DC10 can be transfered to 4CC40 and will count for a 50% partial grade of the final exam of 4CC40. The final grade for 4CC40 is the average of the transferd grade and the new exam partial grade,with no minimum grade requirement for the exam partial grade.
for 2023-2024 students who need to complete both 4CC30 and 4DC10 will register for 4CC40. If a student transfers a sufficient grade from 4CC30 or 4DC10 they wil register for the other missing old course, 4DC10 or 4CC30.

Basic courses:

The transition arrangements for the first year basic courses can be found here.: 

3NBB0 Applied natural sciences, 
2IAB0 Data analytics for engineers and 
0SAB0 USE base

N.B. 2WBB0 Calculus is part of the new bachelor ME curriculum and does not need a transition arrangement.

Old transition arrangements:

Students are required to complete the curriculum (program of examinations) of the year they started their studies. If a course from your current curriculum (before 2022-2023) is no longer offered and is not mentioned below please contact your academic advisor to discuss your options.

Old Course Replacement Course
3NCB0 Applied natural sciences (variant C) 3NBB0 Applied natural sciences1
0LEB0 Modeling 2ABI0 Data analytics for engineers1
4CA00 Signals 4CB00 Signals and systems

12023-2024 is the final year exams these basic courses are offered. details about the exams can be found here.


More information

Want to know more? Contact CSA ME at 040 - 247 4400 or via the contact form below.
